Class News

Kindergarten News
April 8th, 2011
Mrs. Vasquez

Our Week

 We planted our marigolds on Wednesday during Choice Time. The kids look forward to watching the flowers grow.
 The kids did a wonderful job on their weaving during math. They will be laminated and sent home next week in the Friday Folders!

Dates to Remember

April 15th: Spring Carnival 6:30-9:00 pm. Thanks to those who have signed up. There are still slots open. Sign up sheet on the door.  
April 20th: Volunteer Tea 4-5pm in the Library.
April 22nd: Room on the Broom Field Trip. Our bus will be leaving at 9:15am.
April 23rd (Last day to sign up): Heart Run! Join us in this worthy cause! Information in the Friday Folders. The run will take place on April 30th.


Next week we will play the 1s, 10s, and 100s game to help deepen the children’s understanding of place value. We will also be discussing and reviewing time.

Language Arts

We are in our final week of “Spring Is Here”. The kids really enjoyed reading Mrs. McNosh Hangs Up Her Wash. Ask your child about the story!

We will review “Y” and our vowel Edna Elephant for the letter “E”.
?We will also review our sight words “play” and “she” this week.


The children had an opportunity to do a science experiment using lima beans. The children made observations about how the bean felt and looked. Then we placed the bean in a cup of water overnight. When the children saw the bean the next day they were surprised to see their bean was bigger and softer!



Kindergarten News
April 1st, 2011
Mrs. Vasquez
Our Week

    The kids had a blast painting their milk cartons that their plants will grow in. They are all very unique. The kids are looking forward to planting their marigolds next week.

    You may have also heard that we got our chick eggs this week. Hopefully, we will have some baby chicks by around the 19th of April.

Dates to Remember

April 15th: Spring Carnival 6-9 pm. Our class will need volunteers for the store.
April 22nd: Room on the Broom Field Trip
April 23rd: Heart Run! Join us in this worthy cause! Information in the Friday Folders.


Next week we will be working on completing the unit 7 math project. This project integrates patterning through weaving. This is a fun skill for the children to learn. We will also continue to explore math games during center time.

Language Arts

We are moving into week 2 of “Spring Is Here”. The kids are all looking forward to spring finally arriving here in Anchorage!

We will meet our new alphafriend Yetta Yo-Yo.

Our new sight word is “she”.


Next week 3-6th graders will be taking their SBA tests. Because of testing, our specials will be at different times than they typically are. If you have any questions feel free to email or call.  


We have a lot of science going on in our classroom right now. We are working in a new science kit called “Wood and Paper”. We children are learning to differentiate between different types of wood right now.

We will also begin talking more about plants and things they need to flourish. We will read many plant books do a couple of fun plant activities.